Dr Naveen Sharma

Common mistakes in ACL surgery

Hello Friends. In today's video, I will explain in detail the common mistakes done by patients after ACL injury or ACL operation

Greetings friends. My name is Dr. Naveen Sharma and I am a Senior Consultant in Apollo Hospital, Jaipur, and Advance Hospital, Jaipur.

Friends, there are some mistakes that almost all patients commit after an ACL injury. After my 15 years of experience in treating 10,000+ patients, one thing that I have understood which I will try to explain it through information in this video. The first mistake patient does is - They put plaster or knee brace and stop bending their legs. Their thought process is that if the leg is kept straight then the ACL will get automatically cured. Friends, this never happens. ACL is a fixed-length structure. It does not get affected by your keeping the leg folded or straight. But, if you keep your legs straight continuously, your legs get jammed and if your legs get jammed, then you have to get 2 operations done. One for ACL and another for folding the legs. So, as soon as you get an ACL injury, start folding your legs from the very next day. You can consult your doctor. If there is a fracture or something else, you can hold it.

But in 99% of cases, I have seen that folding legs after ACL will not be harmful. Some people get Meniscus tear in their MRI and they get scared that if they fold their legs, the Meniscus will further get torn.

But friends, if you don't fold your legs, they will get jammed and nothing is more harmful than this. I would say, keep folding your knees, as much as your pain allows. The second is treating ACL with traditional methods. Friends, some people start treating their injury with traditional methods, just to avoid operation. They apply various oils and mixtures on their knees which is very harmful. Friends, it needs to be understood that ACL treatment is not possible with traditional methods.

Your knee can get jammed or further spoilt. So, traditional methods are not to be applied after ACL. The third is to take complete bed rest.

Some people think that resting in bed can avoid ACL operation. They rest for 6 long months, which damages their muscles and leg gets completely weak. So friends, after an ACL injury, there is no need for bed rest.

You can wear a knee brace and walk. In fact, if you walk, your bones and muscles will strengthen. I have seen people who come for ACL surgery after 3-4 months of bed rest. Their bone quality is very soft. Bone quality will improve only if you walk. So, do not take bed rest in case of ACL. The fourth mistake that people do is, taking an injection on the knee. They go to a doctor and get an injection, thinking that such oil or lubricant injection will make their knee better. Friends, don’t make this mistake of getting an injection. If there is blood retention in your knee and it is not bending, then you can consult an Orthopaedic surgeon and get the blood pulled out by injection in a sterile condition. But, don't make the mistake of taking any medicine or steroid. Friends, during an ACL operation, people also make the mistake of not searching for an expert or senior doctor and instead seeking a doctor in their surroundings or search for places, where they can get free treatment.

Or where card payment is accepted. Friends, this operation is such that it cannot be assured where it can be done perfectly. In such a situation, get your operation done at a place where 5-6 ACL operations are done regularly; where the whole team is trained; where a high-quality implant is used. These parameters of selection are more important than selecting

Where it is done free, or which is near to my place or where I have good references of family members. Do proper research this way and discuss everything with your doctor and when you are completely satisfied, then only get the operation done there. Some people avoid physiotherapy after the ACL operation. They tell the doctor to take extra money, but not to give exercises to be done. Friends, if you do not do exercises...where exercise has more than 50% role in ACL operation, If the doctor does 10% operation correctly, and you do 90% proper exercise, you will recover.

But if the doctor does 100% operation correctly, but you avoid doing exercise, or keep lying on the bed, either due to fear of pain or due to being down motivational, the results will not be good. After an ACL operation, you have to exercise regularly, as per your doctor's advice.

If your doctor is not advising, join my WhatsApp program. I will help you and make you do exercise. I repeat, 90% of the role is of exercise in this. You have to walk for a minimum of 3-4 km daily, climb the stairs, do the exercises and strengthen your legs. I am telling you out of my 15 years of experience, that the more to dedicate yourself to exercise, your ACL will get cured 100% and those who avoid doing exercise due to fear, confusion, or doubt, face problems in ACL recovery. These were the common problems that people have. I have shared with you, whatever I have understood. Apart from that, please mention in the comments section your doubts, and I will help you. Greetings, friends.

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