Dr Naveen Sharma

complete information about knee replacement?

Greetings, friends... Many people ask me in the comments section on YouTube when exactly shouldwe go for knee replacement? Why should we get it done? And what exactly happens in it? What isit? What is replaced in it? So, friends, watch this complete video from start to end. And I will explain to you with the help of a model what problems occur in the knee. See...I have a model of a knee.

What happens in knee replacement, what does a doctor show in an X-ray, and how does it benefit? I
will tell you everything to your step by step... Hello friends, my name is Dr. Naveen Sharma, and I am a senior consultant at Apollo Hospital, Jaipur, and Advanced Hospital, Jaipur. Friends, the special discovery of knee replacement operation has happened rapidly in the last 15-20 years. Means the research has happened rapidly in the last 15-20 years. First I will tell you who exactly requires a knee replacement and who can be benefitted from it. Maximum times the candidates for this are people who could be having arthritis in their knees. Some people get knee arthritis due to aging - at the age
of 50-55 years. Some get it at a younger age of 30-35 years too, due to arthritis. Some people get arthritis due to injury - like lack of timely treatment in case of damage to the ACL or PCL ligament.
So, what happens in arthritis? Just look at this model carefully. Friends, The blue thing visible on the bone is cartilage. When the cartilage gets damaged or gets removed, due to any reason, the bone
gets exposed. And a bone starts getting clashed with another bone. In such cases, the patient gets severe pain. If you are having such pain, you need a knee replacement. So, now you understood, why a knee replacement is required. Most of the time, knee replacement happens after the age of 50-55 years But, I will tell you 2 conditions - in case of injury, infection, or arthritis, if the knee is damaged, then you may require to get knee replacement done at a younger age too. Isn't it? There is no fixed age for this. So, if you think you are of 22 years, can you replace the knee? Yes...If the knee
is in such a bad condition that the cartilage is completely damaged... Then age is not any criterion... in which replacement cannot be done. There can be a need to replace the knee of a 17-year-old as well as an 80-year-old. It all depends on the condition of the knee as the cartilage and whether treatment can be done through medicines, injections, or exercises or not. If medicines, injections,and exercise are not proving to be useful, then the operation can be a good option. Many people ask, if we get the replacement done, what is its guarantee? So, friends, if the patient is diagnosed properly and if proper technology is used... and if the proper implant is used, then there is a 100%
guarantee. Let me tell you when you go to the doctor and the doctor gets your X-Ray done... what do they see in it? Firstly, the X-Ray to be done for the knee replacement has to be done in a standing position. Because, only in a standing position, will I come to know, how badly is the cartilage damaged actually? Let's see this X-Ray of a patient done today. It’s an X-ray of both the left knee and the right knee. The left knee is not so damaged. You can see there is a gap between both the bones. The gap between this bones is more, and here it is less... So, this means that it is 2nd stage of
Arthritis. And if you look at this side... On this side, the gap is more and on this side, the gap is almost
closed... So, this knee demands a replacement today. This means, if your condition is like this, then there is a need for knee replacement. The second thing that we check is if we draw a straight line, how much has the knee bent inwards... Can you see? The knee is not straight, but an angle hascome. The leg has turned inwards...and this too can be  covered in Knee replacement. The first thing you should see is how little the gap is left in the knee. Many people understand that the gap increases. Friends, the gap does not increase, the cartilage wears out... If the washer between the bones wears out then the bones get closer. Now look here, this is normal and here the cartilage has
worn out so much... Here, the beak-like extension of bone is called osteophyte. The creation of osteophytes also proves how the knee has worn out. Now, that the cartilage has worn out and bones are touching each other... Now see, bone is touching the bone, there is no gap. The patient is having
severe pain in such a situation, because the cartilage which was here is completely damaged So,
there is no cartilage and the patient is in pain In such cases, we do a knee replacement, which has 3
components This is the femur part This is the part of tibia bone. And the middle one is Poly part.

Means it will work as a washer so, let's fit this on the femur bone this, we will fit on the lower side of
the Tibia bone. Have a look, we have fitted it with a special cut. And in the middle, we will fit the
high molecular Poly, which is very strong. Friends, look at its thickness. It is specially imported. This
Poly and this cartilage and the complete knee replacement that we created... removes the pain of
the patient completely the patient starts walking on the very next day of the operation. Some people
ask me how many days I will prescribe bed rest so, friends, there is no bed rest in knee replacement.
As soon as the effect of anaesthesia is over, you can start walking the next morning. Stitches are
removed in 15 days. Friends, many people are afraid of physiotherapy too. We won't be able to do it
as we don't have anybody. But with the latest technology of knee replacement, there is no need for
physiotherapy, you just have to do morning walks and bend your knee slowly. Simple exercises. You
can do them at home with any physiotherapist. We have an online support system, where we guide
about exercises. So, this was brief information about knee replacement. If you also have pain in your
leg and the doctor has advised knee replacement. You are confused about whether to do it or not;
which implant to be used... when to do...what will be the expenses... what will be the rest period... If
you want any of this information, send your report on the below-mentioned numbers... and I will
provide complete help. Thanks, friends...

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