Dr Naveen Sharma

How much pain occurs in ACL surgery

Hello friends... Many people keep asking me that how much pain will be there if they get ACL surgery done. How much painful is the surgery? Because some people fear the pain and avoid ACL surgery. Friends, if you are following my videos, you must have seen my patients' testimonials. Where they are telling that the surgery happened joyfully. And there was no pain at all. You must be surprised why there is no pain when surgery is done in Advance Hospital. Friends, we especially take care of certain things so that there is no pain in ACL surgery. Let me tell you in detail... why, when people come to us and get the ACL surgery done, there is no pain. People also say the ACL surgery done here involves lesser pain than that in getting a tattoo done. Friends, when we initially mentally prepare a patient for ACL surgery, we create an atmosphere like a family. Because of this, their anxiety level drops a lot... If you watch my videos, when a patient comes to me, I speak to them in the beginning. I explain every detail to them and they feel at home... They say that this is not a hospital - there is cleanliness, no blood, no smell... You are also very friendly, we can speak about everything with you... The natural anxiety that a patient has while coming to a hospital - I remove that... You feel at home. When your mind gets prepared for it, and your anxiety level is reduced, then half the pain is already gone. After that when you are brought to the operation theatre, the behaviour of our staff and the anesthetist reduces your anxiety to a large extent. Apart from that, the needle that we use is 26 gauge or 28 gauge. Which is thinner than even the hair. When it is pricked on the waist.. Many people tell me that taking spinal anesthesia from other hospitals was very painful... But when your spinal needle was inserted, it didn't feel like any needle... So, friends, this is why our spinal anesthesia is very painless. So, a lot of people are happy as there was no pain during the operation. Friends, the third thing that we take care of is... High-quality medicines are used in spinal anesthesia so that the experience of the operation is painless. If the patient likes any music, I play it for them as it diverts the mind. It has been proved in international studies that if the patient listens to his favourite music during treatment or operation... then Endorphin is released in his body... and Endorphin reduces the pain to a large extent. And that is why patients claim that they don't realize when the operation gets over. Moreover, he continuously keeps talking to me... I show him on the screen, the 9 no. graph that we put... This reduces his anxiety level Even after the operation, we take care that when the effect of spinal anesthesia is gone, the patient should not be in pain. And for this especially, we apply the medicines injections of Tramadol and Dynapar.  We walk a step ahead to avoid the patient's pain. The medicine for reducing pain started long before, and hence there is no pain. Friends, in short, with the help of these things, we control the pain. Secondly, our method of drilling and removing the graft is so fast that the operation is through in around 20 to 25 minutes and when you compare it with a place where the operation takes 4-5 hours, the patient will definitely experience more muscle trauma, bone trauma, and pain. But, the process here is so smooth that the patient never realizes that in no time the operation is done. And this is the reason why there is very little pain during the operation. Even after you go home, you can directly contact me or my staff and you keep getting advice on physiotherapy from time to time Friends, when you do physiotherapy, there is the circulation of blood and if there is any substance that gets accumulated and results in pain, we do not allow it to accumulate. And this is the reason why you are able to bend your leg easily in 45 to 60 days. Whereas in certain places, you get no guidance on exercises... it takes 3-4 months...You and your relatives put force and the patient just screams with pain. But the smooth Physiotherapy Online rehabilitation protocols that we have here... saves you from that pain. Friends, these are the important steps that we take in favour of the patient. So that we can make the whole process of ACL pain-free for you. How did you like this video? And do you wish to see any other such video? So, please mention in the comments section below, what you want to know. And keep liking and subscribing to our channel. Thanks, friends...

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