Dr Naveen Sharma

I have grade 3 meniscus tear in my MRI ? what should I do ?

Mensicus is important part of the knee joint. It helps in shock absorber and cartilage protection. When there is mensicus tear you may feel pain, clicking sound and locking in the knee joint. Grade 3 meniscus can not heal by it self. You need to check if you are haiving locking or pain and swelling. If yes you might need to repair this meniscus  tear. Mensicus repair is possible with arthroscopy. it is very advanced procedure and you do not need any big cut.

Mensicus should not be cut and always be preserved if possible. Mensicus repair is succesful surgery but it is possible at very few centres. You can do some reseasrch and select best place for Mensiscus repair.

Mensicus tear do not heal by it self. Till you are waiting for surgery do not squat or do running or jumping. It can make things worse. You can walk . 

Do not wear any knee brace as they usually do not help in meniscus recovery. They can make your knee weak.

After meniscus surgery you need to avoid putting load on your knee for six weeks. Till then you can use walker. 

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