Dr Naveen Sharma

what is ACL bony avulsion ? how can we treat it ?

Hello friends, ACL Bony Avulsion. This channel will give information about this and I, Dr. Naveen Sharma, welcome you here. Friends, in this post  I will tell you what is ACL Bony Avulsion. Why does it happen and how it can be treated? I will give you complete information through this video. Friends, a very important ligament of our knee is the ACL ligament. It balances our legs and helps us in running and in sports.

If this ligament breaks, then that is called ACL tear. This ligament does the job of joining the upper bone femur with the lower bone tibia and helps us in jumping, running and other sports activities. Sometimes, when you have a twisting injury in your leg, either you a doing long jump or high jump, or while driving a bike, get skid then ligament tear happens.

Friends, ACL bony Avulsion means, the ligament does not break from the mid but gets uprooted from the tibia bone along with a piece of bone.

Friends, avulsion from the femur end is very rare. In most cases, avulsion is found in the lower bone tibia. Maximum cases of ACL bony Avulsion injuries are found in kids. They are mostly found within the age group of 14-15 years to 25-30 years. Especially in 14-20 years, it is seen the most. The patient gets immediate swelling on the knees and very heavy pain, he finds difficulty in walking and feels that if pressure is put on his leg, it will get twisted. When he gets, MRI or X-Ray, a piece of bone is seen as a little up-placed. In the MRI report, it shows, ACL Bony Avulsion seen. Friends, the report can come in 3 types. Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3. If the piece is uprooted from the front, it's called Type 1. Friends, if it is a little displaced, it's called 2 and if completely uprooted, it's called Type 3. If it's 1 or 2, then conservative treatment should be tried. A knee brace is put on the knee for around 3 to 4 weeks.

Then, as and when the fragment gets joined, exercises are started. In some places, they put plaster. I do not agree to put plaster. If you put plaster, then there are chances of it making the knee tight. Other than that, doing traditional massage (maalish) can prove to be more damaging.

So, don't use these traditional treatment methods. Put knee brace in 1st or 2nd stage and after a month, exercises should be started where the patient starts bending his knees and in some days he will start getting stability in his legs after following rehabilitation protocol but there is Type 3 ACL Bony Avulsion and the piece is completely uprooted. Friends, it is very necessary to fix this. If there is an ACL graft tear or ACL mid shaft tear; the ACL breaks from the mid, then we have to put a new ACL. But, if you have ACL Bony avulsion, and if you reach out to your doctor is 7-10 days then there is an opportunity to fix the ACL

Especially the technique used by me is Suture pull-through technique.

The advantage of this technique is that no metal is put in the body.

We fix the ACL through Suture itself and you get fit in 1 to 2 months.

Friends, ACL Bony Avulsion is a rare injury, and identifying it at the correct time is also very rare. You would be lucky if your MRI is done in 3-4 days and you come to know that you have ACL Bony Avulsion. Once you come to know, you should not delay and visit the doctor and fix this ACL Bony Avulsion. Let's assume that after 3 to 4 weeks, you come to know that you had ACL Bony Avulsion. The friends, we do not have any other option because now if you try to fix the fragment or try to save the original ACL, then it is the possibility of loss that your surgery is not successful and might have to go for surgery again. So, if the ACL Bony Avulsion is older than 3 to 4 weeks, then I recommend putting a new ACL graft as the best treatment. Friends, after putting the ACL graft, the rehabilitation is a bit longer. But you get completely fit. So, this was my brief video on ACL Bony Avulsion. Have you also got ACL Bony Avulsion?



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