Dr Naveen Sharma

Why infection is zero in Advance hospital, Jaipur in ACLand shoulder surgery ?

Hello friends, in this channel providing information about orthopaedics and especially ACL ligaments. I, Dr. Naveen Sharma, welcome you all.

Friends, today in this video, we will discuss a very important topic.

And that's, how the rate of infection in ACL cases is ZERO in our hospital. Friends, at our place, in the last 15 years, we have had more than 10,000 cases of ACL. But still, in no case, we have had the problem of infection. So, how do we control the infection and save you from infection. I am going to discuss this in this video in detail.

Friends, Infection is a severe problem. If there is an infection in the ACL graft, then multiple surgeries are required to be done.

Sometimes the graft fails. In fact, in crowded hospitals, this is the most common cause of unsuccessful ACL. So, why actually, does infection happen in ACL - I will discuss this in detail and what are the ways to avoid this infection and how we are infection free - that also I will share with you. Friends, the best way to avoid infection is to stay away from infection. When COVID spread, you all know, that we were told to stay at home so that you avoid contact infection and the chain breaks

In the same way, we have some rules in our hospital that we don't let any infected patients in our Operation theatres. This means that if an infected patient needs to be treated, we do that in another hospital.

But, we never treat any infected patient in the operation theatre of our hospital because, there is a chance, that if you treat an infected patient, then that infection can be spread to other patients. So, we keep our infected OT and infected hospital separate and hence we block the bacteria to enter our hospital, at the entry-level itself. The second way is the usage of high branded Anti-biotic. Friends, we should not use anti-biotics too much. But, we use a single anti-biotic in high quality and high volume. We never try new- new anti-biotics. We focus on a single anti-biotic and select a broad spectrum anti-biotic and that is used at our place. Not thinking of low quality or cost cutting, we only use high-quality brands because it depends upon the efficacy of the anti-biotic, what is the brand's quality and how effective it is. Friends, the third way to avoid infection is - If I tell u, why there is no infection at our place - it is the use of disposable items. At many places, friends, the items are re-used because of a shortage of funds or cost-cutting. But, in our hospital, we specifically focus on things like Suction tubes, TURP set, and disposable dressings used in ACL are used as per Use and throw techniques because it has been observed that these things can reduce infection cases to a large extent because the risk of spreading infection from one patient to another is ZERO. The fourth reason at our place is

The ACL graft that we use, we make it vancomycin soaked. Friends, the technology of filling the ACL graft with anti-biotics through Vancomycin soaking, is the latest technology and with the help of this, the infection can be made absolutely ZERO. Friends, there are a lot of hospitals, where that are not able to use this technology and because of that, the infection rate remains high. But, whenever we implant an ACL graft, we use Graft No. 9. We soak it thoroughly in Vancomycin.

So, the anti-biotic remains inside the knee and for 2-3 months, is gradually released. And because of this, the chances of infection become negligible. Friends, we also take care that before the operation, when we prepare and wash hands, we use RO water. Yes, friends, in many hospitals, tap water or tank water is used to scrub hands and a lot of micro-biological studies show that there is a risk of Pseudomonas and Staph MRSA infection in tank water. But, we use RO water at our place, which helps in avoiding a lot of infection. Apart from that, friends, our surgical technology is such that any operation, however big it is, is finished in maximum 30-35 minutes. During the operation, the patient remains exposed to the environment and the chances of infection keep on increasing. If surgery is happening at a place where there is no well-versed team and they take 2, 3, or 4 hours. In such cases, the chances of an infection increase. Moreover, there is a risk of spreading the infection through the patient's own body. For this, we initially do a high-quality examination. So that we can rule out the possibility of urine infection in the patient. Also, whether there is any other source of infection in his body. Friends, this way, these 5-6 important steps we take makes the rate of infection here, absolutely ZERO %. Patients stay here for 2 days and then go home. They don't have to take many medicines too. In spite of all this, we have controlled the infection. Apart from this, if you want any information on any other topic related to ACL.

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Thanks, friends.

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